Experts say green hydrogen may be the best technology for overcoming the volatility of renewable energy. 

To expand renewable energy, the variability of factors such as intermittent solar radiation and wind speeds must be managed, in addition to distribution. 

Ensuring the safety and efficiency of power operations requires the ability to respond flexibly to both shortages and surpluses. 

As a solution, Power-to-Gas (P2G) technology is proposed, which uses surplus renewable energy to produce carbon-free green hydrogen and compensates for variability by kicking in when it is needed.

A Korean research team has developed a model to determine the optimal scale and verify the effectiveness of a green hydrogen system needed for a renewable energy power grid. 

Simulation results using the model show that when solar power is used alone, batteries are the most effective solution for overcoming variability, whereas when wind power is used alone, green hydrogen is the most effective. 

However, when solar and wind power are combined equally, green hydrogen demonstrates the highest economic efficiency and the lowest power supply losses. 

More details are accessible here.