Queensland has announced milestones with two significant projects: the Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project and the Gladstone hydrogen facility.

The possibility of new fossil fuel activities have stirred controversy in the Northern Territory.

Woodside Energy is at a crossroads with environmentalists and investors over its climate strategies.

Anthony Albanese has unveiled a new effort to reshape Australia's economic and industrial framework.

Most fossil fuel companies have ramped up production since the signing of the Paris Agreement, a new study finds.

A dispute has erupted between mining giant Adani and a town that once welcomed it.

A hunger for coal in NSW is driving calls to keep Eraring open longer.

Greg Combet, incoming chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency, has urged a “just transition” for coal workers in the shift to renewable power.

A long list of prominent people are speaking out against major gas works.

New techniques could help Australia find resources critical to its net-zero goals.

Energy companies have been accused of misusing welfare payments.

VicGrid has announced details of its planned investigation into a new transmission line route.

The ACCC is sharpening its focus on gas retailers.

A new oxygen-powered battery raises hopes of permanent pacemakers.

Australia’s new climate reporting legislation will come into force next year.

Experts have challenged the integrity of Australia's Carbon Credit scheme.

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