Researchers are growing bacteria into wires for electronics.

Concern has been raised around a gas deal meant to secure the NT’s energy future.

The IEA wants to ensure global climate pledges are carried out.

The Resources Minister has excused herself from decision-making on the contentious Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11).

WA has urged the Commonwealth to apply its “use it or lose it” policy for energy companies holding undeveloped offshore gas field licences.

BHP's proposed a takeover of Anglo American has been knocked back.

A once leading figure in Australian regulation says a fancy slogan could hinder progress.

Woodside Energy has weathered shareholders’ rejection of its climate plan.

A Senate inquiry has heard concerns of “state-sponsored greenwashing”.

A new sustainability initiative imposes stricter standards for government contracting.

Energy supplies could be holding back the next generation of artificial intelligence services.

BHP is retaining its gas dependence to meet growing power demands.

A new generator converts CO2 into electricity.

Powercor, the electricity distribution giant, has pleaded guilty to 104 charges stemming from failures in vegetation management around power lines, which led to a dangerous bushfire.

Queensland is taking new steps on its path to sustainable energy and climate management.

Concerns have been raised about Australia’s time-based energy tariffs.

Major investors are challenging Woodside Energy’s climate strategies ahead of the company’s AGM.

New techniques promise energy-friendly ammonia production for fertilisers and alternative fuel.

A big player in the energy sector says Australians will pay more for power.

Federal government funding will boost hydrogen and low emissions iron and steel research.

After the exit of a Chinese backer, Stanmore Coal has acquired full ownership of Queensland's Eagle Downs mine.

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