Archived News for Energy Sector Professionals - November, 2016
Fires to rise but clouds unclear
Experts forecast increasing heatwaves and extreme bushfires, but the future of storms and rainfall is less clear.
NT chief talks pipe plans in China
Many Australians know about a pipeline dispute in Dakota, but ...
New SA link outlined
South Australia's electricity distributor is looking at options for a new interconnector to the eastern states.
Jury votes down nuclear dump
A citizens’ jury has voted strongly against a large nuclear waste facility in South Australia.
Projects push QLD to solar edge
Work is ramping up in Western Queensland, which is fast becoming a major solar energy hub.
Green regulator's goal questioned
WA’s environment regulator says rapidly approving projects shows it is protecting the public.
Last-minute water switch protested
Coal miners have gathered in protest against Queensland water reforms.
Manipulated spinach spots explosives
Scientists are engineering spinach plants to detect explosive molecules in water.